Download ImageStrawberry Mochi Ingredients6 strawberries150g sweet white bean paste (can be replaced by sweet red bean paste)90g glutinous rice flour30g sugar120ml waterSome cornstarchDirections1. Rinse, dry, and hull the strawberries.2. Divide white bean paste into 6 same size balls, wrap the strawberries with white bean paste.3. Mix glutinous rice flour and sugar in a microwave safe bowl. Add water slowly (in 2-3 parts) and stir until the mixture has reached a thick consistency.4. First, microwave 2 minute (500W). Mix well and then microwave 1 minute again (500W). Now the mochi mixture should look translucent.5. Sift corn starch on the tray and put the mochi on top. Fold the mochi in half with a scraper and then divide into 6 equal pieces.6. Put some corn starch on your hands and start wrapping the strawberry into the mochi. Source :