Download ImageWatch Video Date Rice Crispy Treats Ingredients1 cup date paste.3 cups of plain rice crispy cereal4 tbsps of unsalted butter1 tsp vanilla (optional)2 tbsps Honey (optional)1 tsp cardamom1 tsp cinnamonnote: you can add spices to your desireFor Garnish (Optional)Almonds, pistachios, pecan and other desired nuts.Chocolate hazelnut spread.Caramel sauce.Cookie butter spread.StepsOn medium high heat, melt your unsalted butter, add the date paste, honey, and spices.Heat the date through along with the other ingredients until it becomes soft. Now add your rice crispy gradually and stir until well combined.Pack the mix into a mini donut pan, or mini cupcake pan. Then remove from the pan, garnish and serve.note: you can also spread the mix in pan and cut it into desired shapes. Source :