Download ImageAsam Rebus (Okra Sour Soup) Ingredients3 large or 5 medium shallots2 cloves garlic1 large or 2 medium fresh red chillies4 cups water1 cup tamarind juice (1 tbsp paste diluted with water)3 cups small okras (or halved if too large)1 small tomato (quartered)1 large green chilli (optional, sliced)1/2 tsp salt (to taste)StepsAdd shallots, garlic & red chillies into a mortar & pestle or blender, process into a course pasteAdd paste into a pot, add water, salt tamarind juice & bring to a boilAdd okra & bring to a boilAdd tomato & green chili, taste to adjust seasoning, cook for 1 min then remove from heatServe hot with side dishes of choice Source :