Download ImageLabneh (Yogurt Cheese) Ingredients2 cups yogurt (I used greek yogurt, around 600g)1/2 tsp sea saltA cheesecloth (no need to buy one, I used a coffee filter, kitchen towels also work well).For garnish olive oil, sumac, pine nuts, olives, pomegranate seeds and fresh herbsStepsIn a bowl, mix together the yogurt and salt (adjust the salt to your liking).Scoop the mixture in the cheesecloth/coffee filter.Place over a strainer on a bowl or tray and chill overnight while the yogurt strains of it’s water.In the morning, remove the yogurt, place on a plate, add your favorite toppings and enjoy as a dip or in sandwiches!Place leftovers in a tight-sealed container in the fridge. Source :