Download ImageHealthy Pop-tart Fruit Pockets Ingredients– 1 large pita wrap (I used @josephspitabread)– 1 egg white (to seal poptart together and use to brush over top)– 2 Tbsp frozen/fresh berries– 1 tsp coconut yogurt– 1 tsp steviaSteps(To make one) Cut a large pita/flatbread in half (or in fourths to make 2 mini pockets) then place your fruit mixture in the center of one of the halves/fourths you just cut.Brush egg whites along the edges, fold your wrap to make a rectangular “pop tart”, and pinch the edges to secure.Brush a little bit of the egg white mixture on top so it gets golden.Bake at 400 for 5-8 minutes or until they look just slightly crispy. Source :