Download ImageBubur Manggul Madura IngredientsHead of shrimps, cleaned3 lime leaves3 bay leaves750 ml coconut milkSugar and salt to taste250 ml coconut milk100 gr rice flour (for thickening)Mashed Ingredients5 shallots3 garlics3 chillies3 cm fresh turmeric2 canlde nuts1 tsp coriander powder1/2 tsp pepper powderOtherRice cakeCrackersSpicy chickenSteamed chayote and carrotsShallots flakesCoconut serundengInstructions1. Mix all the ingredients in a pot except the thickening. Bring to boil.2. Using colander, take out all the non-edible ingredients.3. Add the thickening. Stir until thickened. Turn off the heat. Serve with all other ingredients. Enjoy! Source :